Thursday, April 5, 2012

Spring Break Road Trip, Days 4 & 5.3

Ravens had the tea bag carton teared apart looking for food this morning! Their beak had made holes in the tea bags scattered on the ground that reminded me of the air rifle bullet holes in the target!! Maan, they were huge birds, whole black almost twice or three times big as a hawk.. Speaking of the hawk, here we go to the Bright Angel Trail on the south rim of the grand Grand Canyon on planet earth, where you could simply feel the spirit of a hawk standing right up on the ridge of a steep cliff, ready to fly to the far distances...
We had planned to get to the Indian Garden shelter and spend the night over there and come back tomorrow, but due to a little change we reconsidered the schedule to hike for about 4 miles down the canyon and return back to camp to make a tasty supper at dusk, so we could sleep early and tomorrow we could also visit the Albuquerque downtown too. Alright alright (:D) I just simply cannot explain the grandness of this wonder! It's just stark huge, and you won't appreciate its extremeness unless you walk into it. And that's what we did. Part of the trail still covered with the snow and the mules trying to melt it down with their dung, and they were big animals, I mean really big passing by you. I bet it would have been awesome if could ride them on our way back up the canyon... well anyhow we went on and on getting closer and closer to the bottom line but as you get closer you come to understand that It's a looong way back uphill and you will perceive that hey budd, time is short and ain't gonna bear this whole way back. Well if we had set off early in the morning we could have accomplish it, but it's not recommended at all to do the round hike in one day. well we had some stops in our way down and saw some exotic creatures, don't know the names but maybe a canyon squirrel, some wild weird plants and a few chicks that are very rare in Rolla!!

This is a view from one of the cliff tips in the Bright Angel trial, where you can enjoy and splendid scenery of the biggest canyon on earth...
It's just sooo exciting to sit at this little tip and a hundreds of feet right below you sole.. can't imagine unless you be there once...
So that was how it went, stay hydrated, don't forget, and give yourself some rest in the middle of the trip, so you'll regain strength. Funny don't look at the woods far down the valley (Indian Garden) and don't say we are close, it just takes one hour to get there, because anyway, you're wrong and from this point you almost have another 4 miles to go. And when you turn back and take a look at all these rock walls behind you might see something like this picture ...
in between you might wanna say hi to the people returning back up the canyon, and to be honest, we did not see anyone hiking down at the time we were enjoying these views... well it was only 10 am, but seems people hike down to river either early morning or late evening.
cellphone networks usually suck down there, every once in a while you get some bars to receive your text messages and then it's gone! but It's fun, like primitive journeys through the wild.. so as I said, after about 3 or 4 miles we decided to get on top of a very steep rock on the backside, and have some rest, breathe the canyon air, take some photos, and maybe ponder about the beauty of this planet. Here is a picture of myself from that point.
So, that's how we tried to stay hydrated, lol! returning up to the camp was another story with another Iranian boy, right in the middle of no where!! Oh, you speak Farsi! Yes we do sir!! sometimes I believe this nation is like ants, you'll find them every where. don't what to say... let's get going to the camp, everyone's exhausted, Hassan's battery died long before we reach the ground floor!! We bought some burgers and sausages, beer, cheese and other stuff and Oh my goodness, one of the best showers I had in my life, superb, there was a showering spot for the guest hikers right next to our campground and Gosh it was relieving, I felt like I'm a light angel who could travel to back to heaven at the moment I got out of the shower... me and Hassan were so happy about it and the rest just left it for tomorrow night at the hotel :D
Well, we had a very great night, with the fire and the dinner, and charging our phones and shit by the provided electricity near the campsite, walking in the campground main road with Nima, looking at the beautiful sky, and finding the north direction every time, talking about ourselves and the joy of such fabulous trip... Sweet dreams...
Tomorrow, dawn, pack the stuff, tent, clean, cheer, breakfast, cheers, and go for a south rim ridge tour... Gassss, ain't got no gas, only for about 20 miles, got fast and furious to the Desert View point where we could find a very beautiful gas station, filled the tank and took a little stroll with the car for sightseeing at the Desert View point, Navajo point, Lipan point, and Moran point...
Here is some pictures from these views of the Grand beautiful Canyon...
So there we go toward, New Mexico... Target was to stop by the Meteor Crater and visit the downtown of ABQ, but there are things that you never predict...

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