"Studies show that persons who frequently feel curious experience the greatest satisfaction in life. Yet this state of eagerness and not-knowing is basically an emotional state rooted in fear and anxiety. Curiosity is about seeking to explore, to discover, to learn, and curious people seem to understand that this less traveled path is the most efficient way to growing courage and strength, confidence and wisdom in life" (reference).
So here we are. If this is true, one might say I am happy but they are not really happy. they just feel normal. I think happiness is really becoming a relative concept in my mind. If your mind is not engaged in activities and curiosities about what the world is and where the secret lies, you won't be anxious, you won't be depressed sometimes, and you won't be living in fact. What I'm trying to understand is that, if you are depressed, or anxious about your being, about the events, about the existence, then you'll feel something regarded as low mood, or whatever, and when you find the answers to your questions, you'll probably be happy and this happiness is totally different than a dull person feels as happiness. That's what I think these studies are indicating that the happiest people are those who also suffer more, from their own minds. The question is, would you like to feel happiest at points in life, or just feel the normal routine happiness like a dull man. Either one has their own advantages and disadvantages, but you must choose, or your instinct will choose for you.
This story leads me to another topic of the individual worlds of people where they are forming their characters and what's their understanding of themselves and people. I'll be writing about it here or somewhere. I don't know what people think, but I know things are relative, very relative you might get lost in them.
Saturday, July 27, 2013
Tuesday, July 23, 2013
The Persistence of Memory
اینجوری که دلت نخواد بخوابی و همین جوری یعنی منظورم همین جوری که الان هست بنویسی. بوم شی کلاک کلاک/ همین طور یواش باشه همه چیز. نه اینکه مست باشی ها نه. بعضی موقع ها تو گذر اینجوری میشه خوب، خیلی آروم میشه همه چی. یواش و کش اومده. انگار تو یه زمین دیگه زندگی می کنی که فاصله ش با خورشیدش هزاران کیلومتر بیشتره. دلت بخواد فکر ها رو تماشا کنی، همین طور که کش میان و محو می شن. همین طوری انتزاعی. طوری که مثل پفک باشه. مثل یه چیز باد کرده و کم وزن ولی خوشمزه. انتزاعی محض. تماشاش کنی همین طور که میاد و میره. یعنی مزاحمی. یعنی برای نوشتن دچار زحمت می شی. یعنی همین الان می گذره و دوباره همین الان تبدیل به همین الان می شه و همین الان هیچ وقت نمی میره. این جور موقع ها معمولا یه موزیک آروم هم می چسبه چون که تجرد قضیه رو بیشتر می کنه. وقتی گرفتار تجرد می شی دیگه گرفتارش شدی و یه جوری باحاله. دوست داری بمونی توش. همین
Beautiful faces, empty heads, unconscious consciousness.
"If our brain was simple enough to understand it, we would be so stupid we wouldn't be able to understand it after all"..
is it even worth thinking it through?
"If our brain was simple enough to understand it, we would be so stupid we wouldn't be able to understand it after all"..
is it even worth thinking it through?
Sunday, July 21, 2013
Bio 56
جواب دوستت دارم مرسی نیست؟ خوب اگه طرف دوستت نداشته باشه خوب چی باید بگه؟ باید حتما بگه من هم دوستت دارم چارتا چیز هم روش اضافه کنه؟ اگه کسی بت گفت دلش برات تنگ شده خوب دلیلی نداره که تو هم بگی دلت براش تنگ شده، خوب نشده آقا، خوب نشده خانم، نشده دیگه. تشکر می کنی عوضش. این که تو صداقت داری، اینکه تو روراستی یعنی بی ادبی؟ یعنی حتما باید دروغ بگی که من هم دلم برات تنگ شده؟ آیا لایق تحسین نیستی که دو رو نیستی؟ که راحتی با دوستت یا هر کی که هست؟ که اونچه واقعا هست رو بیان می کنی؟ اینجوری که باشی اگه یه روز به کسی بگی دلم برات تنگ شده، یعنی واقعا دلت تنگ شده و همینجوری زبون نمی ریزی. البته این زبون ریختن ها همیشه هست. در مورد بعضی جملات خاص دارم می گم که همینجوری لطفا فضل و بخشش نکنید. به سودتان نیست.
Thursday, July 18, 2013
Live for an hour
I know people define it differently, but here is what i define it. and It's based on a true story and not the imagination of a delusional re-director.
So here you are, a mixture of birds songs, cars running, and the piano. You feel it and you understand that you are living this moment, right now, right this moment with this fly roaming around your pen and the jingling sound of a campus security guards' key chain lingering from his waist band, and the little spider-like insect like a chigger walking by the white of your paper saying hi, and the warmth of the sun ray on your cheek all through the minutes of light distance hitting the leaves of an old big oak tree, touching your face and saying you! you my son! you are living this moment. keep listening to the cristofori's dream and all the nature's music right now, right here, you take a deep breath and read the paragraph again to yourself:
"Moonlight streamed in through a little window in the roof. It fell upon old chests and ship bells lying under a cover of dust and spiderwebs. But it wasn't only the moon illuminating the dark attic. the moonlight was blue, but there was also a bright shimmer, in all the colors of the rainbow."
Take a glance around, gentle breeze uplifts the next page, but you're not still there, thinking about your writing that looks like an abstract note to the dove flying above the oak tree. I remember this bird's song, very familiar to me, sitting next to small waterfall, singing for the better future, alone, yes, that's the piano music you would like to listen to, right at this moment, to live it thoroughly, to be conscious about what moves and what sings and the leaves and the warmth and the clouds scattered trying to vanish to disappear in the vastness of this blue sky.
"Baker Hans made his way across the attic floor..." After reading upon the Frode's playing cards, I think to myself, am I really me? sitting on this bench and living this moment? It's hard for me to be true, and I tell myself, well so, it's all maybe because of what you have been through, and the joy you feel now is the result of that pain maybe, calm now, I tell myself calm down, breathe slowly, empty it, clear the heart and slowly let it go, let all go, let them go; float in space and time, listen to the air of Bach and the song of all these tree crickets singing for their lovers as there is nothing except this moment, and only this moment, live it fully, live it my son and just like their songs fade away, moments come and go, and white papers become all red words of life.
Pastorale of secret garden and Paul Mauriat plays tocata, and the "taste starting from the tip of your tongue, but you could also taste strawberry, raspberry, apple, and banana in both your arms and your legs. In the tip of your little finger you could taste honey. In one of your toes you taste preserved pears, and in the small of your back, pastry cream. I can smell the scent of my mother all over my body."
And the sun, the gorgeous sun sets a small building and you think how the rainbow soda reminded of the Perfume, the story of a murdered, dazzling, beautiful, deep, relaxing and confusing.
p.s. the quotations are from the book "the solitaire mystery" by Jostein Gaarder.
p.s. ask your Chinese friend about the note
So here you are, a mixture of birds songs, cars running, and the piano. You feel it and you understand that you are living this moment, right now, right this moment with this fly roaming around your pen and the jingling sound of a campus security guards' key chain lingering from his waist band, and the little spider-like insect like a chigger walking by the white of your paper saying hi, and the warmth of the sun ray on your cheek all through the minutes of light distance hitting the leaves of an old big oak tree, touching your face and saying you! you my son! you are living this moment. keep listening to the cristofori's dream and all the nature's music right now, right here, you take a deep breath and read the paragraph again to yourself:
"Moonlight streamed in through a little window in the roof. It fell upon old chests and ship bells lying under a cover of dust and spiderwebs. But it wasn't only the moon illuminating the dark attic. the moonlight was blue, but there was also a bright shimmer, in all the colors of the rainbow."
Take a glance around, gentle breeze uplifts the next page, but you're not still there, thinking about your writing that looks like an abstract note to the dove flying above the oak tree. I remember this bird's song, very familiar to me, sitting next to small waterfall, singing for the better future, alone, yes, that's the piano music you would like to listen to, right at this moment, to live it thoroughly, to be conscious about what moves and what sings and the leaves and the warmth and the clouds scattered trying to vanish to disappear in the vastness of this blue sky.
"Baker Hans made his way across the attic floor..." After reading upon the Frode's playing cards, I think to myself, am I really me? sitting on this bench and living this moment? It's hard for me to be true, and I tell myself, well so, it's all maybe because of what you have been through, and the joy you feel now is the result of that pain maybe, calm now, I tell myself calm down, breathe slowly, empty it, clear the heart and slowly let it go, let all go, let them go; float in space and time, listen to the air of Bach and the song of all these tree crickets singing for their lovers as there is nothing except this moment, and only this moment, live it fully, live it my son and just like their songs fade away, moments come and go, and white papers become all red words of life.
Pastorale of secret garden and Paul Mauriat plays tocata, and the "taste starting from the tip of your tongue, but you could also taste strawberry, raspberry, apple, and banana in both your arms and your legs. In the tip of your little finger you could taste honey. In one of your toes you taste preserved pears, and in the small of your back, pastry cream. I can smell the scent of my mother all over my body."
And the sun, the gorgeous sun sets a small building and you think how the rainbow soda reminded of the Perfume, the story of a murdered, dazzling, beautiful, deep, relaxing and confusing.
p.s. the quotations are from the book "the solitaire mystery" by Jostein Gaarder.
p.s. ask your Chinese friend about the note
Monday, July 15, 2013
Judge them quick!
نه افسون جان، تورو خدا انقد به عکسام نگاه نکن هی همش بیا بهم بگو خوب دارین اونور دنیا خوش می گذرونین. تورو خدا حتی همین حرفت باعث میشه بیشتر بغضم بگیره. تو که نمی دونی اینجا چه خبره، تو که هیچ وقت از گریه ها و ناراحتی هامون خبر نداری، از اون موقع ها که واست عکس نمی فرستن. به خدا تو همین عکس ها هم چون می دونم قراره بفرستنشون ایران می خندیم که بابا مامانمون خوشحال شن که ما هم داریم شادی می کنیم اینجا و زندگی به کاممونه، اینا رو که به تو می گم چون دوست صمیمیم هستی بهت می گم وگرنه به تو هم نمی گفتم می ذاشتم به خیال خودت فکر کنی من دارم اینجا با شوهرم خوش می گذرونم. تو نمی دونی سیروان چقدر اذیت می شه اینجا. خودش همیشه با خودش درگیره، همیشه بلند پروازی می کنه و واقع بینی نمی کنه، همش دلش می خواد چیزای بهتر داشته باشه، همش خودشو با آدم های خیلی پول دار مقایسه می کنه، از خدا پنهون نیست از تو چه پنهون، انقد این مرد مقایسه کرد که مریض شد، حتی همون آدمی که قبلا بود هم دیگه نیست. دیگه بی حوصله ست، بی انگیزه ست، انگار که همه چیز تو دنیا فقط پوله که ما نداریم!!، تازه ما که تو این شرایطیم، مثلا تو امریکاییم، تو کشور اول دنیاییم. باز هم سیروان اینا رو نمی بینه، تا وقتی تو ایران بودیم، همش فکر می کرد که این خارجیا چه حالی می کنن، و از این جور حرفا تا اینکه بالاخره اومدیم این ور آب و الان خونه داریم و ماشین و نمی دونم هرچی کوفت و زهر مار دیگه که بگی از مال دنیا. به خدا خسته شدم افسون جون، نمی دونم حتی اینا رو هم چجوری دارم بهت می گم. بغضم گرفته، سیروان پر جوش و هیجانی که تو دوره دانشگاه می دیدیم، همون پسر پر امید و خندون همیشگی که دخترای کلاس همه دوست داشتن باش دوست باشن، حالا افسرده ست، خیلی وقت هم هست، اصن افسون انگار یه جورایی زندگیشو باخته با اینکه همه چیز داره. با اینکه من هستم، دوستاش هستن، خونواده ش هستن، همش به خیلی بالاها فکر می کنه که انگار هرگز بهشون نمی رسه، نمی دونم چجوری بهش بگم عزیز من همه چیز درست می شه، غمت نباشه. یه جور عجیبیه والا. نمی دونم چقدر از حرفام سر در میاری ولی بدون که همیشه آدم ها اون چیزی نیستن که تو عکساشون میبینی. خنده ها همیشه واقعی نیست. شاید اصن خیلی موقع ها واقعی نباشه. البته همون بهتر که ما فکر کنیم همه ی خنده های دنیا واقعیه و همه ی آدمهای دنیا خوشحال ان و هیچ کی غم تو دلش نیست. وطن آدمی در قلب کسانی ست که دوستش می دارند...ا
پ.ن. بخشی از خاطرات دخترم افسون در مورد دوستش سارینا که واسم تعریف کرده بود، فکر کردم باید اینجا بنویسمش
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