Sunday, January 31, 2010

Purity is still around, he said

پسری که تو اون شهر زندگی می کرد، پسری نیست که تو این شهر زندگی می کنه، پسری نبود که گناه آلوده باشه که رنگ کبود مسخره ی فلک به صورتش نشسته باشه. پسری نبود که نصف روزهاش شب، و نصف شب هاش مثل ظهر روز تشییع جنازه خلوص.
پسری که تو این شهره، پسری ناپاک پیریه که نوجوونی شو دوست داشته و نورسیده به پوسیده رسید. پسری که بود پسری که دلش تنگ می شد که گریه می کرد خیلی راحت که می خندید خیلی راحت تر که گرم میشد و شد و سوخت و خوشحال بود. پسرک کجایی که دل این شهر و اون شهر به حال تو سوخته. هر جا که هستی می دونم که شرقی هستی می دونم که هنوز هم یه جایی گرمی و خوشحالی از خنده ها و گریه هات. به هر جا هستی پاک بمون و فراموش کن کسانی رو که ایمان نیاوردن به پاکی تو.
سلام منو هم برسون به اون که روزی تو بود

Tuesday, January 26, 2010


I hate it when it comes to comparison. C' mon it's my life, don't poke your nasty nose into my bussiness. One can try it himself giving it a shot making a decision and having a change. I just hate it comparing. let the F work be yours today you dirty friend.

Monday, January 25, 2010

last night

Rain was so cool last night. it just reminds me of the olden days or better to say nights of which the sky had a harmony with me. last night the sky was red and it was really awesome, you better study this:
Once upon a night, the little descending daggers falling from the red sky, cemetery in solitude by me standing there in front of a sword-man, begging to be recruited for another disgrace, rain didn't smell of elegance but hostility but my lovely loneliness was the victorious competent of the night; and that was promptly different from the last night's dew-shaped drops of rain in which I was free of all custody n all obsessions.
Last night was something unique n I wish it continues to be as unique as my deep dark red ...

Sunday, January 17, 2010

I'd love to experience alternate déjà vu

One minute will explain
Most of us experience life as a linear progression
But this is an illusion because every day life presents us with an array of choices ,

And each choice, leads to a new path,
to go to work,
to stay home, ...

and at each choice we take creates a new reality
do you understand?
Yes but what does it have to do with déjà vu?
Déjà vu is simply a momentary glimpse to the other side,
Almost every one experiences it. We feel that we've been somewhere before, because actually we have… in another reality.
This is another path, the road not taken.

Saturday, January 16, 2010

real vs fake

Yeah it just SEEMS that eveything is serene and how HAPPY I am ... but in fact reallity stings.
That's why I like the song "dreams on fire". remember the times when you were asking how big are the stars, are they as big as our house? where do the sparrows go at night and how the kids ar born ... yes dreams are really on fire today.
Wish I could be simple as I was in those days. when everything was real serene and I was real happy...

Monday, January 11, 2010

Such a dance

Fuck it, I'm again wishing for a dance with the red fire. the one's inside. you damned time, you damned flash backward. what do you want from me? please keep this fire away I can't stand it any more, I can't have it here far away from the source. I just can't please understand this, I can't mix all those mistakes and yet still claim of love. I just can't do this one more time. there will be blood all over this fire, it burns please feel it inside, it's not my job again. all I  need is a warm hut for a tired shepherd. O Lord feel it and do not make me confess all the mistakes n all those sins I have made, it's neither for me nor for aurora to hear it. it will burn both down to death. please keep this fire away if you need me to live for a while and see something you want me to see.
O Lord forgive me for I have sinned a lot. for I have sinned as a human being for I have sinned a lot... forgive me please and keep this confession fever away...

Wednesday, January 6, 2010

نقاشی من

موج اول مياد وقتي يکي رفته دست يکي از دوستاشو گرفته و به زور بردتش کوه... آخه حال دوستش تعريفي نداشت و اين بهترين کاري بود که ميتونست بکنه که شايد يه کمي حالش جا بياد. موج دوم مياد اون موقع که يکي ميگه ميخواد ازدواج کنه، ازدواج کنه که بتونه از شرايط موجود فرار کنه، ازدواجي که از روي اجباريه که خودش براي خودش ايجاد کرده و اين اجبار در مورد خيلي چيزاي ديگه ش هم بوده و هميشه براي فرار، موج سوم مياد وقتي که يکي ديگه ميگه نمي خواد ازدواج کنه ولي مجبوره که اين کارو بکنه، ازدواجي که از روي اجباري که ديگران براش ايجاد کردن و کسي که جز اشک ريختن کاري از دستش بر نمياد. موج چهارم وقتيه که همه ي خاطره هات لاي بقيه موج ها ولو ميشه و مثل پيام هاي بازرگاني بينشون خودشو نشون ميده. موج پنجم وقتي مياد که حس مي کني يه حوض نقاشي مي افته روي تو و و توي هر لحظه تنها رنگي که روي صورتت ميشينه همون سفيد کاله. موج پنجم همونيه که هرازگاهي رنگارنگت مي کنه، همونيه که مثل گردونه شانسيه که مي دوني و مي توني يکي از رنگا رو از لاي سفيدش بکشي بيرون ولي دستت بستست چون بدجوري به هم قاتي شدن... 

باز هم يه بار ديگه برو بيرون از خودت و نگاه کن که چه مسخره ست اين بازي چرخ و فلک، پس حواست باشه که چرخ و فلک بازي واسه شاديه و نه هيچ جيز ديگه، حواست به اين هم باشه که رو چرخ و فلک هميشه اون بالاها نيستي که همه شهر و آدماش پايين باشن.

Saturday, January 2, 2010

There are some feelings that shouldn't ever be documented. Those are just toxic confessions, fatal notations and lethal outcomes of an obsessive mind ...