Saturday, April 21, 2012


خیال بافی می کنیم امروز عصر، و کلا به تخممان هم نخواهد بود که چه کسی چه چیزی خواهد گفت چه بخواند و چه نخواند و چه مفت ها که بگویند و بیاندیشند و نگویند...ا
با خیال بافی مثل خواب از این در به اون شاخه بپریم و خواب در برمون بگیره و بریم واسه خودمون... یک آهنگ سنتی ایرانی این جور موقع ها همراهی کنه خوبه، توصیه شده اتلاف وقت فایده های زیادی داره. از ظهر تا الان هم دارم به همین یک جمله فکر می کنم: "من هرگز کاری نمی کنم که تورو ناراحت کنه" و هی ربطش دادم به این و به اون و به این که پس چرا این مرض همیشه همراه منه! که ربطی به کار کسی نداره اما مثل حرکت های خود جوش، خودش می جوشه، یه مدت آروم می گیری بعد دوباره می جوشه، سوت می زنه، باز دوباره باید در گنجه رو باز کنی ببینی این جور موقع ها کدومشون به دردت می خوره...ا 
تو این مدرسه، این مدرسه فنی، نه، این آخرین چیزیه که بخوای، چه جوری می خوای بچه تو بزرگ کنی تو این شریط، با این همه درس های سخت و زیاد. پدرش کیه، باورت می شه نمی دونه پدرش کیه؟ نه؟ باور کن، تازه هفده سالشه، هر روز هم با دوستاش جمع می شن، علف می کشن و الکل می خورن. نمی دونم اون بچه قراره چی در بیاد...
تو تا حالا اینجا زنگ زدی؟ -نه -بزن. -باشه ولی اگه بابات گوشیو برداره چی! - قطع کن
ببین من دیگه نمی تونم با تو رابطه داشته باشم، من اگه یک روز نبینمت دیوونه میشم
تو تا حالا با کسی دوست بودی، انگشتشو پشت تن پسره چرخوند و اسم طرف و نوشت: ابوذر
من اولین بار کلاس پنجم بودم که ازش خوشم اومد، اینجا تو همین شهر دخترایی هستن که با دوستاشون فیلم سوپر بازی می کنن. تو چند سالته؟ سیزده! این برگ و می بینی چه جوری تو باد می چرخه؟ همه یه موقع هایی تو زندگی شون عین همین برگ ان، عیبی نداره...ا
حالا دقیقا یه هفته مونده به امتحانات، دعوتش کرده خونشون، پدرش خونه نبود! -تا کی اینجا می مونی؟ -امشب پریودم! -امشب فقط می خوابیم. امشب امشب فقط امشب شب آخره. من فردا می میرم... دوستش زنگ زده می گه فلانی، این تو رو می خواد! به تخمم، فلانی می گه. می گه بیا تو گذشت کن، بهش اس ام اس بزن بگو چطوری. باشه. خیال بافی های بالای کوه ها، که هیچ جا رو بدون دختره نمی خواست انگار. همش ولی همون "انگار" بود. شب هایی که سیاه بود همون جوری سیاه موند البته. یه مدت کوتاه ازدواج کردن، شاید دو سال و اندی، اونی نبود که فکر می کرد. هر شب پریود بود، هر هفته خراب. عشق به گا رفته ی نسل سوخته ی امروزی بود، البته اگه اشتباه نکنم شاید هم دیروزی. بعد از دو سال و اندی خیلی راحت گفتن به درد هم نمی خوریم و جدا شدن، رفتن سی کار خودشون، ...ا
چند وقتی بود که بوش می اومد، می خواد طلاقش بده، خبرش تو فامیل هم پیچیده بود، همه صحبت می کردن در موردش، پچ پچ می کردن، رفتم رفتی رفت با مرد صحبت کردم کردی کرد. از خر شیطون اومد پایین، خوب شد، فعلا خوبه. دو هفته بعد شوهر عمه شروع کرد. شوهر خاله بس نبود؟ کجا رفته؟ دیورز باز طلاق گرفتن، جدا شدن، راحت. به درد هم نمی خوریم. خلاص..ا.
حامله ست. بچه رو چه کنیم حالا! نه پیش گیری کرده، نه نکرده، ای به گور باباش خندیده، دخترای امروز سر و ته ندارن برادر، راجع به این برنامه سفرت توضیح بده که می خوای چی کار کنی، - آره میخوایم بریم نخجوان، دود و الکل و زن، 
خیال بافی کن، ریسه کن هر چی رشته ای آره من هرگز کاری نمی کنم که ناراحتت کنم، قرص هاتو خوردی؟ - بله آقا هر روز می خورم. تو چرا هیچ وقت با من مسافرت نمیری، همیشه با دوستای خوودت میری، مگه من چمه! - تو چیزیت نیست اما من دوست ندارم با تو برم مسافرت، یه جوری می شم، حسم نمیاد، دختر ها رو نباید مسافرت برد، چرا؟ چون نمیشه فحش داد، نمیشه در کون دوستات بزنی، نمیشه شعر های عاشقانه بگی، نمیشه گل واژه گفت پس و پیش. مزاحمن! دست و پا گیرن؟ راه نمیان، - زر مفت! ناز دارن خوب! می گن ما راحتیم ولی راحت نیستن، همین الان این دختره داره می گه ای بی ادب! خیال بافی کن یه کمی، روز به گا بده، وقت بکش، کی مرده کی زنده! خیال بباف که سوار ماشین بوگاتی ورون مال خودت نشستی و از جاده های ییلاقی سوییس رد می شی، خیال بافی کن یکی که دوستش داری، که البته به درد هم می خورین، که گه گیجه نمی گیری باهاش، که ناز نداره، که چس نیست، که دست و پا گیر نیست کنارت نشسته، مفته خوب خیاله، بباف واسه خودت، حامله نمیشی نگران نباش، محافظ سر خوده، اون که بهت می گه من همیشه پیش گیری استفاده می کنم، هم مرده، مثلا روحش بالای ماشینت داره پرواز می کنه بعد کون روحشم داره می سوزه دودشم در میاد. خیاله خوب، پرنده ی معروف علی شریعتی، حالا هر کی در حد خودش، یکی به که کشان که که می کشیدند و شیری رنگ شد، یکی هم به زیر شکم، هر دوش مفته همین و ادامه بده تا امروز هم به خیال ها بگذرد و گذر نکند خوابی..
من هیچ وقت کاری نمی کنم که ناراحتت کنم! بهش میگه می خوام فقط تورو تو خودم حس کنم، حتی بچه نمی خوام که چیزی غیر تو حس کنم، بعد اون اومده واسه دوستش تعریف کرده که با پنج نفر دوسته! با چه ترفند هایی اینا رو می پیچونه بلکه از تو یکیشون یه جفت جونی واسش جفت و جور شه. ای زمونه البته اینا همش خیاله، واقعیت که نداره، به قول فرنگی ها دی دررررررررید، ببخشید دی درریم است. شما پی اش رو نگیرید بشنوید و رد بدهید. اسم این قرص های ضد حاملگی چی بود که گفتی؟ نمی دونم این سری ازش می پرسم بهت می گم. بابا اینجوری که خودت بری دارو خونه بهت نمی دن که، مگه شما ازدواج کردین؟ - نه ولی یه بچه که داریم - حرام زاده! - چه حرف ها، حرام و حلال رو شما معرفی می کنین یا خدای شما! - کدوم خدا - همین که رنگارنگه، روی گل ها میشینه، بال هاشو زود می بنده، میره و بر میگرده؟ - نه خدای من همون که در کلبه ی فقیرانه ی علی شریعتی هم پیدا میشه. - آها اونو می گی، سلام برسون، چرا حالا بچه دار شدین؟ - نمودی مارو بکش بیرون بابا، شر مرسان... مادرش فوت کرده بود سال ها پیش وقتی بچه بود، هنوز هم می گه مادرمو خیلی دوست دارم، خداا بیامرزدش! - کدوم خدا؟ - همون که می دونی دیگه ننما بی زحمت..ا
باز همین فکر و ادامه بده که تو هیچ وقت کاری نمی کنی که کسی رو ناراحت کنی، بهش زنگ زده گفته من بوسیدمش، و فکر آینده که وجدانش درد گرفته، تو چند سالته؟ -دو ماه دیگه میشه هفده سالم، خودت چند سالته؟ - من یک ماه پیش سی سالم شد ولی دلم جوونه، آنجا روم آنجا روم بالا بلند بالا بلند، صنما جفا رها کن، سی سالگی اول جوونیه، تو هنوز خیلی جوونی ما را به چشم سر مبین، ما را به چشم سر ببین، آنجا بیا مارا ببین، کینجا سبک بار آمدم، این هم از دایی عظیم ما که چه خوش صداست، باور کن من دوستش دارم، باور کن من آدم تنوع طلبی نیستم، باور کن من با همــــــــــــــــــــه ی آدم ها فرق دارم، زارت، در دل گرفتار آمدم، باور مکن، باور کم کن، باورم کن، کم کن،کمک کن، کمکم کن، کم کم کمکم کن، باورم کن. و خیــــــــــــــــال کن که من دوستش دارم و کاش می شد اسمی براش گذاشت که وزن خوبی داشته باشه مثل شرنگ، یا مرال یا چیزی تو این مایه ها که انگار تازه به دنیا اومده و اون آدم قبلی نیست، که هفته هاشون به قول نادر ابراهیمی فرق کنه، یک هفته از شنبه شروع شه، یک هفته از سه شنبه، تنوع بده که عادت نکنی، که یکنواخت نشه، که خسته نشین، که همیشه یه درد هم بخورین، که آدم های تنوع طلبی نباشین، باور کن، اینا همش البته خیــــــاله، باور نکن...ا
ولی همیشه تو ذهنت باشه که من هرگز کاری نمی کنم که ناراحتت کنم.

Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Black and white

امشب برای اولین بار یه فیلم سیاه و سفید عهد عتیق رو تو سینما دیدم: نوتوریوس. دیگه مجبور باشی فارسی بنویسی خوب اینطوری می شه دیگه. یه لحظه وسط فیلم برگشتم عقب و نگاه کردم عین تو فیلما بود، این مدلیا که خیلی وقت پیشا تازه فیلم و سینما اومده بود تو یه اتاق مستطیلی رو صندلی می نشستن و یه فیلم سیاه و سفید تازه صامت هم نگاه می کردن... فقط دود سیگار نبود و کلاه و لباس های قدیمی که دیگه بشه خود خودش. خیلی باحال بود، فیلم هم فیلم خوبی بود مثل همه ی فیلم های این جناب هی استرس داشتی که چی می شه الان. انگار نه انگار که مال شصتاد و پنج سال پیش بود. آفرین راضی بودم.. هی اومدیم با دوستم نشستیم بازیگراشو از تو اونترنت در آوردیم دیدبم همشون سال هاست به رحمت خدا رفتن. همون خدایی که چی؟ حسین سپهوند و چی؟ آره خلاصه همین دیگه گفتم بیام منتشر کنم این خبر مهم و که گفته باشم هی هر روز تجربه های جالب به زندگی ما افزوده میشه، و فقط اوناییش منتشر می شه که تو پیش نویس دلمون نمونده باشه... یکی مثل این پست که پارتیش کلفت بود اومد و زودی رفت. قسمت شه همه یه بار لااقل یه فیلم سیاه و سفید تو سینمای چهار دیواری ببینین و حالشو ببرن، اگه با کلاه شاپو کت شلوار مشکی و لباس تنگ پف پفی زنونه ی قدیمی و سیگار هم باشه که دیگه وا ویلا...ا

پ.ن. فیلم کاملش هم تو همون لینک بالا هست میشه آنلاین دید ولی تو خونه :دی

Monday, April 9, 2012

Spring Break Road Trip, Days 6 & 7

I am going to write this only because I have to finish the story, but I don't feel so okay to write a fun trip at the moment. Well it might work as an excuse for me to cheer me up a little bit to feel a better Sunday evening...
Here we go, good morning world, we are going to visit the Kasha-Katwe Tent National Monument, the very lovely place that no one had in our whole trip had heard of it before even Eduardo who had a lot of experiences with the tourism stuff. Well straight ahead to the north, I-25 .. Oh gosh I just remembered the gas station we paused to get some gas, and the people around us all Mexican dark skin with long hairs, with tattoos and stretched eyes, wooo maybe good people, but we have only heard of their name in drug movies and you know the action hero kinda movies say Machete!! "we put put our tails on our shoulders and say run" that was a Farsi colloquial translation though. we got close to the point, there were volcanic formations, and the uprising  small tent-like mountains under and between which, we could walk alongside their walls, sometimes narrow and sometimes wide open. W had the trail ascending the hills and asking people to take a four-person picture of us. a very nice and absolutely must-see place in US. I personally prescribe it to the people who believe nature is there to be loved. Here is some pictures of the monument.
The cactus were so close, and all the desert roses were saying hi right into your eyes, a super new experience for me. We went up the hill and had some break and found some more rocks to sit on and let the feelings refresh. this trail was a one-way trail to the tip of a cliff where you could stand for hours and let the swift furious wind smoke you.. That was the time when the teeth started to yell out loud, I Love this place. Although, they were Hassan's teeth and made life miserable for him the whole day afterward, but he was still alive and enjoying he view!
On our way back to the parking we took another way out and saw this cave that we could not unfortunately climb up to it, either because we were tired or it was challenging. But we made it to the parking and had a "full stomach" of food and beverages! no water! only MtnDew! lol.
on the way back toward Texas, just a few miles away from the Tent Rocks, we visited this beautiful lake were we let our feet into the cold cold water for some minutes and chilled our hot "hot" bodies and the rest of the trip.

I am going to make it short for the next stops till the end of the trip, so the next stop was at a gift shop where we saw this huge taxidermy of a child bear imported from Alaska, where we bought some souvenirs for the pals in Rolla, where I bought a sombrero, a Mexican baja, a knife, and a couple other things... next was hotel in Amarillo, TX. where a shower gave me a new look, lol. and tomorrow, all lazy boys, get up it's almost over, we're going to finish it fabulously! We purposely sidetracked ourselves with the Oklahoma City downtown to see how this one looks! and past it, we stopped by a lake close to highway, where I saw a wild goose sitting on her eggs waiting for the chicks to hatch ... Oh goodness, Nima was teasing me: why don't you take a picture for national geographic. You know the whole trip I was taking pictures for the Google Earth and I was getting on their nerve by saying it, now it was time for the National Geographic, well I took pictures of her and her mate too. Then the Grand Lake in Oklahoma, caught our attention and we spent the last evening in there, watched the gorgeous sunset in the lake behind the dam, and had some "ajil" together, and took our way back home. I-44 again, eastbound again, but this time from the bottom of Rolla, MO.

P.S. special thanks to my friends Hassan, Amin, Nima for being so great during this journey. It was so awesome... and by the way I guess I feel better now. I gotta read this I feel down! ;

Saturday, April 7, 2012

Spring Break Road Trip, Day 5

Exit 233, I-40 Eastbound is where you need to turn right to get to the Meteor Crater road, and drive for about 6 miles where you get close to the museum and find out that you need to pay $16 per adult in order to touch the biggest piece of the crater and have a little tour around the crater's edge. We are always rich so we just happily paid it and got in. There comes the lucky charm again and best tour guide becomes ours. let me introduce one of the coolest persons I've ever met: Eduardo. An aged man with a sun burnt skin, wearing a baseball cap and with a super humorous temper. He guided us through the narrow trail they had provided for the tourists along the ridge of the crater and stopped a few times to inform us about the geological happened after the big mass hit the earth and layers of the earth's crust went up and down and they replaced each other, talking about the vegetation, and the stones, and the constituents of the meteor. That was where we were acquainted with the Mormon Tea, Juniper, Purple Sage. specifically, I always thought that these purple sages were lavender, but obviously I was wrong!! the other thing is the Mormon Tea which as Eduardo said is about 10 times stronger than Coffee and the Mormons didn't know about it but were using it because in their religion or tradition or whatever, they can't drink tea or coffee because they contain caffeine!! Weird! any way, we picked some Mormon Tea plant from the next destination in the area, however it was illegal but who cares! we wanna taste it lol!
here is a picture of the Crater.
Just to give you an idea of how big this hole is, suppose 22 football fields can be fit in the crater. And the meteor was about say one football field. You know what I have not said about this place is a story about a boy from Missouri and a bunny from Pennsylvania! while the three of us were listening to the funny Eduardo, someone was missing: Nima, right next to the girl from Pennsylvania, not listening to a word about the crater, all focused on her and what best pick-up line to use. Anyhow, happened for the barbie to start the conversation and say i don't know whatever, and we never saw Nima with us again during that little stroll. we were taking pictures and laugh and so on, while someone was very happy getting more familiar with a sweet blond, and when we came back to the trail head, Nima introduced her, Megan, to the crew and vice versa and mentioned that she's heading toward a place name Petrified Forest which was not in our plan at all, but in our path, and said can we join her blah blah ... well of course we can dear Nima, let's go, what more exciting than seeing a petrified forest!! God knows what that is. I-40 east, drive for about 60 miles and take a right and drive some more till you get to a place where all the branches of trees fallen on the desert land, just stoned, all petrified!! wel in the park catalog it explains why all that is petrified and what's going on in between the grows cells during the million years and all that and I am not gonna talk about it here, but over all a very nice place with a totally new experience about nature stuff! never had heard about such a thing before. Thanks to Megan, though we were going to miss the ABQ downtown!! here is a picture of the stoned forest but it doesn't have the stoned tree trunks, search for it on Google hahaah!!!

Time to say goodbye for now Mister Nima, exchange the phone numbers and all the farewell compliments and let's go, so we can get to the hotel before midnight at least. I drove the rest of it and oh Gosh, it was an awesome drive... all two lane rural US highways and night time, with a cool owl right next to me who would hoot with me till we reach the hotel. The cityscape of Albuquerque was beautiful at night, everyone, wake up enjoy this and we're at the hotel. everything was perfect. Finally these two people had a shower and got clean, thanks to them. and we slept like four elephants in one room. Sweet dreams till the great adventure of another national monument in New Mexico...

Thursday, April 5, 2012

Spring Break Road Trip, Days 4 & 5.3

Ravens had the tea bag carton teared apart looking for food this morning! Their beak had made holes in the tea bags scattered on the ground that reminded me of the air rifle bullet holes in the target!! Maan, they were huge birds, whole black almost twice or three times big as a hawk.. Speaking of the hawk, here we go to the Bright Angel Trail on the south rim of the grand Grand Canyon on planet earth, where you could simply feel the spirit of a hawk standing right up on the ridge of a steep cliff, ready to fly to the far distances...
We had planned to get to the Indian Garden shelter and spend the night over there and come back tomorrow, but due to a little change we reconsidered the schedule to hike for about 4 miles down the canyon and return back to camp to make a tasty supper at dusk, so we could sleep early and tomorrow we could also visit the Albuquerque downtown too. Alright alright (:D) I just simply cannot explain the grandness of this wonder! It's just stark huge, and you won't appreciate its extremeness unless you walk into it. And that's what we did. Part of the trail still covered with the snow and the mules trying to melt it down with their dung, and they were big animals, I mean really big passing by you. I bet it would have been awesome if could ride them on our way back up the canyon... well anyhow we went on and on getting closer and closer to the bottom line but as you get closer you come to understand that It's a looong way back uphill and you will perceive that hey budd, time is short and ain't gonna bear this whole way back. Well if we had set off early in the morning we could have accomplish it, but it's not recommended at all to do the round hike in one day. well we had some stops in our way down and saw some exotic creatures, don't know the names but maybe a canyon squirrel, some wild weird plants and a few chicks that are very rare in Rolla!!

This is a view from one of the cliff tips in the Bright Angel trial, where you can enjoy and splendid scenery of the biggest canyon on earth...
It's just sooo exciting to sit at this little tip and a hundreds of feet right below you sole.. can't imagine unless you be there once...
So that was how it went, stay hydrated, don't forget, and give yourself some rest in the middle of the trip, so you'll regain strength. Funny don't look at the woods far down the valley (Indian Garden) and don't say we are close, it just takes one hour to get there, because anyway, you're wrong and from this point you almost have another 4 miles to go. And when you turn back and take a look at all these rock walls behind you might see something like this picture ...
in between you might wanna say hi to the people returning back up the canyon, and to be honest, we did not see anyone hiking down at the time we were enjoying these views... well it was only 10 am, but seems people hike down to river either early morning or late evening.
cellphone networks usually suck down there, every once in a while you get some bars to receive your text messages and then it's gone! but It's fun, like primitive journeys through the wild.. so as I said, after about 3 or 4 miles we decided to get on top of a very steep rock on the backside, and have some rest, breathe the canyon air, take some photos, and maybe ponder about the beauty of this planet. Here is a picture of myself from that point.
So, that's how we tried to stay hydrated, lol! returning up to the camp was another story with another Iranian boy, right in the middle of no where!! Oh, you speak Farsi! Yes we do sir!! sometimes I believe this nation is like ants, you'll find them every where. don't what to say... let's get going to the camp, everyone's exhausted, Hassan's battery died long before we reach the ground floor!! We bought some burgers and sausages, beer, cheese and other stuff and Oh my goodness, one of the best showers I had in my life, superb, there was a showering spot for the guest hikers right next to our campground and Gosh it was relieving, I felt like I'm a light angel who could travel to back to heaven at the moment I got out of the shower... me and Hassan were so happy about it and the rest just left it for tomorrow night at the hotel :D
Well, we had a very great night, with the fire and the dinner, and charging our phones and shit by the provided electricity near the campsite, walking in the campground main road with Nima, looking at the beautiful sky, and finding the north direction every time, talking about ourselves and the joy of such fabulous trip... Sweet dreams...
Tomorrow, dawn, pack the stuff, tent, clean, cheer, breakfast, cheers, and go for a south rim ridge tour... Gassss, ain't got no gas, only for about 20 miles, got fast and furious to the Desert View point where we could find a very beautiful gas station, filled the tank and took a little stroll with the car for sightseeing at the Desert View point, Navajo point, Lipan point, and Moran point...
Here is some pictures from these views of the Grand beautiful Canyon...
So there we go toward, New Mexico... Target was to stop by the Meteor Crater and visit the downtown of ABQ, but there are things that you never predict...

Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Spring Break Road Trip, Day 3

You know what? for a lazy ass boy like me, such a trip was a necessity to feel how early birds feel. So we had the plan scheduled in a way that required everyone to wake up at 4 am for the first two days. I said last night was such a nightmare for a sleep-lover like me!! Well, that doesn't mean I'm the same person when it comes to traveling and nature fun.
wake uuuuup everyone, it's 4 am, here in the highlands of Colorado, two pine tree on the sides of our tent were amazed by our swift movements and soft packaging! One of trees told me come back again when I was hugging it goodbye! First night with a not-so-bad sleep, all four in the tent, except Nima who was feeling cold after midnight moving out to the car!! And that's because I got both the reinforcements (lol), sleeping bag "along with the hiking mat underneath myself :D and the poor boy just had blankets! it's all experience you know, who's more experienced gets warmer hahahh!
We set off around 5 am, while the steering wheel kissing Hassan's hands, I sat in front seat and wow, the same superb sunrise in the mountainous regions of north CO. Driving I-70 westbound was one of the sweetest drives I had in the US, all amazing and beautiful, uprising mountains on the sides of the highway, while once in while the fiery red colored sun twinkled in the right side mirror and you're fascinated by the beauty of this scenery...
Again, the other two still dreaming of their sweet hearts I guess! well our next check mark was supposed to be Arches National park but here's what happened, I got tired  of looking out the window and thought let's wonder in the Google map using my new phone hahah! and yesss, Colorado National Monument popped up a few miles ahead of us. Doing a little image search on the subject I was convinced to divert our path a little bit to visit this awesome place. Here's grand Junction and then we are close to Fruita, take the exit Hassan, and hey watch for the brown signs, which became a funny quote from Amin saying let's visit all the brown signs beside the road. I must say that yesterday while we were heading toward Rocky mountains, all of a suddent Mister Amin  said, we're going to the arches, right? we burst into laughter, dude, really? well he joined the group the last few days before take off, and he was not aware of the plan, knowing one word about the trip: "arches" and kept saying it for the next two days till we reached the Canyon. Okay were was I!! oh yeah, CO National Monument. here's a video of the entrance road we captured to the top of the canyon where you could see the handsome stone-men with a french cap on top of their head! wow! marvelous, isn't it??

 we reached the top, stop at a few points to have some rest, find some hanging rock to take a break, take some pictures of the great first-time-to-my-eyes scenery... and yet the story hasn't started yet...
So we hit the road again with the yellow diamonds in the light, well of course, music is one big important part of the trip which took like about 5 hours of the planning time! get going buddy, have fun in the road, breathe the air, enjoy the views as it's going to have less mountains, and more deserts, vegetation change was clear and don't forget to fill the gas tank. As Amin had his great saying over there, there will be no gas in Arizona, maybe every hundred miles you'll find a gas station! well he watches a lot of western movies it seems. but we picked the phrase and made a lot of fun with it in the trip, every here and there we used to say, hey driver get some gas, there will be no gas in Arizona lol!!
2 hours behind schedule because of the sweet monument of Colorado, Hassan knew how to drive to compensate for it, hahh! where are the policemen?! He agreed to take charge for the speeding ticket in case he got busted, so hey guys in the back seat would you gimme a cup of water please, chilling and chewing and other things, we opened our way to Utah, getting closer to the Arches National Park, what eyes see is the desert with a few big sandy bumps on the vast ground! Weather was awesome but missing a little humidity, noses were like national monuments at that moment and if you liked you could scrape a lot of rocks out of the walls! aaahh gross! lol! Got to the Arches National Park. We had three locations to visit in here: Delicate Arch, Balanced Rocks, and the Landscape Arch, so you know these friends of mine were so much interested to check in their Facebook to the world know where they are. Therefore, we had one good man take this picture for us
and now every one knows we're in the real wild west, if you look closely, you probably can see the cowboys running after the horses in the background of our photo. Well so, that was just a check point, here is the next one. Let me introduce you to the Balanced Rock.
Did you notice how tiny the rock is compared to me and Hassan raising our hands... well now compare that with this picture
Which was taken at the Bear Lake entrance. Nothing's similar...but we're the same cool guys. Looking at the map, and the sixth sense, we headed toward the Delicate Arch. One miss calculation: there is a trail for the symbol of Utah about 1.5 miles away from the parking lot. Alright alright let's do it guys, walk and walk in the desert trail and watch the surrounding area of sand, rocks, and desert shrubs, find your way to the sweet delicate arch of the times. Beautiful vista here and there, special thanks to the nature God for creating these landscapes. I felt like an antelope jumping on the rocks and visiting the sand tones, Amin and Nima went ahead and Hassan taking my pictures posing like a kid here and there... very close to the delicate darling, there was an opening in the rocks where you could have the Arch in your view from the same level of its top. let me not explain it in words and post its picture right here...
Isn't it gorgeous? showing off on the top of this hill right in the middle of nowhere. And the wind, which filled out hair with the desert sand, a very strong wind that could take the children to the Oz. This landscape was lifting them up and letting me embrace the awe of this unique place. so we had some fun with the wind over there, and took another picture and headed back to the parking lot.
We had to skip the Landscape Arch because of the time limitations to get to Arizona... I was really tired after all the jumping and running after the flying sands, so I jumped into the back seat and straight to the heavenly nap... Nima the keen driver of all, drove us to the Grand Canyon Village and that was the time I woke up!! it tuns out that we also skipped the National Park entrance fee because it was past midnight and the guy in charge was the guy in bed. So the dear GPS took us to some lovely little quarter of the village where every car was parked next to a house and every couple were letting their love have a great night. Hmm! we tried to use the coordinate points to get there and yet the geographical system's got some bugs in it, and it becomes a challenge for four exhausted cool guy to follow the street signs to get to the Mather campground in Grand Canyon Village. Finally, I can see you crystal clear my camp site, but you know weather is cold at night and what we did was to comfortably sleep in the car as no one was so sober to set the tent up to get inside. covered with the reinforcements we had a very relaxing sleep that night.. I won't tell you what the huge ravens did with our tea bags tomorrow morning when we woke up to find the vital requirements everyone needs in the morning... that was how the second day came to an end with a glorious memory spot in our minds.

Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Spring Break Road Trip, Days 1&2

I was planning to write a bio about the current stuff going on and shit like that but I decided to write about our recent road trip during spring break...
So you know when you decide to get out and shake your soul a little bit, you will sit and write it down and plan and provision and go for it. Although it's good always to have a plan B, we decided to have a plan A-0.5, i.e. not so much tolerance for the offsetting phenomena of laziness, wonder, flat tire, and other shitty time killing occurrences. well I know, we couldn't change the weather and we would be in heaven if a meteor was supposed to crash on our car, but we took the chance of it being spring and weather is gonna be OK and left the rest of it to destiny and (stuff like that) that's how Amin ends his words sometimes!
Alright, alright, (that's kind of an slogan of Nima), well back to the plan, alright, alright, we sat down for two days and sorted everything out in order to have a perfectly organized trip to Grand Canyon, AZ. You know there is more than a thousand miles to that wonderland and it requires some other short goals which happened to be Rockey Mountain National Park, CO. Arches National Park, UT. before the surreal canyon on earth and the Kasha-Katuwe Tent National Monument, NM. after the farthest point heading back to the dungeon, lol, JK, Rolla is a peaceful place and I love it.
Who wants to talk about the expenses! Oh goodness, love to be rich, all the time, but you know I have always been rich, you tell me in terms of what. Well as far as it goes with the engineers we did some math and finally the four of us hit the road with a Nissan Rogue rented from Budget rentals at St. Louis Lambert Int. airport. I do recommend it right for the crazy people like us who want to drive thousands of miles because of the unlimited mileage they provide for the car. And hell yess, the car was all brand new, won't tell you what happened to the car till the end of the trip. Go Nima, you got it only a few miles to KOA of Salina, KS. our first night spent on the grass site of the camp ground, two of us wrapped in warm clothes (Nima says reinforcements, lol) tucked into the sleeping bag, on an unfolded spread tent! the other two remaining in the car, slept for two hours, maybe less, and someone whispers in my ears, Sajjad wake up it's 4. Dang it buddy! when it became time! whatever!! lets pack it and wrap it and get going. That was my turn then, sweet sunrise of the road, Hassan sitting next to me on the front seat and the rest dreaming of their sweet hearts on the back seat, Gosh, that sunrise was beautiful, right on the road, though we were traveling westbound but I could vividly see it through the side mirrors ... hope you feel it someday if you haven't yet!!
After about 2.5 years, my eyes were cheerful of seeing a mountain in the far west, right in front of us, comrades sleeping and the white caps on the Rockey mountain ridge was just looking straight into my eyes. Dazzled with the beauty of the arena, kept driving toward Denver, CO. Wake up everyone, we are close to an oasis of beauty, too close to the detour to the first objective, an argument popped up to go to the downtown, Denver. Who doesn't want to say I saw Denver too. alright alright, let's wide some eyes open to the sky scrapers of this city. Just like the other cities, nice and clean, we passed through some chess-like streets of the downtown, watched the buildings and filmed and pictured a little bit and hey GPS, get us there to Boulder and Estes Park where we had our second campground reserved.
This drive to Boulder was fine, another university towns I would loved to be in for my "higher education" only because it contains another third of my hometown's features, I mean the green mountains. Well anyhow, got gas in Boulder and there comes another neat rural highway which hosts the cyclists too! Driver speaking: get off the road you crazy boy, oops, that was close, holy cow! this is awesome guys, closer to Estes Park, CO. we were on a mountainous highway, the facade was cut, dividing the mountain to the uphill and the valley, grasping our path in the middle, creating this gorgeous view in front of us...
This is pretty cool, sweet March. weather was impressive, not cold, not warm but chilly, you want to bite it. We had a pause at the Estes Park entrance symbol or whatever shot some pictures and took off to the campground!
A camp site that never got the chance to host us for the night. crazy enough, we found out that I made a mistake in the reservation, shoot! it was reserved for the same day in May, silly boy! hahah!! but there comes the lucky charm I got on my back all the time: Moraine Park which was a great camp ground for our purpose! don't worry there will be photos for the interestedzzz!!
Well there we go, set it up buddy, we are not tired yet, lol, that was a compliment, empty the trunk, get the stuff into the tent and euw yes, I forgot to mention we also "got our bellies soaped" for the dinner which was gonna be Steak (all types of it at our camp, 24-7, ready to serve the awesome hikers of Rocky's). We didn't have this sorta meal in our plan, but you know there were friends among us who adore meat, specially beaf and well, I do like it too, I won't reject it, hahah!!
Let's go to the trail we had in mind for almost a week, the Bear lake trail. can you believe we had a hike starting from the Bear lake to the Alberta Falls in Rocky Mountain National Park after about 7 hours of driving. Well yeah we found love in the place we were watching. There was a big frozen Bear Lake, surrounded by the evergreen trees of pine and spruce and so on ...
Ground was ice covered and walking was kind of a challenge, the funny part was Amin's, who was trying to not walk like an old man who cannot open his legs, lol!! he got a sneaker on the ice. Well good luck with that buddy. Not too strange, we saw a bunch of Iranians, speaking Farsi... a mom and a sis visiting the big man of the family who flied overseas to pursue education, or the smart boy of the family who could free himself for a better life, aah, never mind, the same old shitty topic always comes to mind!! Anyway, Nima knocked down hahaah, the three musketeers headed uphill to the Alberta Falls, walking and passing through the don't-know-the-name trees and snow covered creeks, jumping and playing around, Hassan posing for the camera, Amin trying to be stable and not slip down the hill, Nima probably chilling at the lake and then returning to the car thinking about the well made steak tonight...
Well we made it to the top, the three of us, and stayed there for a while enjoying the view of the forest and down the feet. I got stuck in the snow waist-high deep in the snow. hah! I couldn't get myself free and needed help to dig the snow and finally freedom! such a memoir hahah!! we got to play with the 0-degree water streaming below the ice and returned to the camp. Oh who wants a delicate tasty steak barbeque in Rocky mountains in Colorado... have a great night you all gang in the wild ...

Much fun ahead of us, in the next posts...

13 be dar o panjareh

هی باد بزنه تو صورتت و از لای موهات بره و همه لحظه های ذهنت و شخم بزنه و خاطره هاتو غربال کنه. عین همون شهاب سنگی که می خوره به زمین و جای همه خاطره های کهنه و تازه رو عوض کنه ... همشون بالای بالای ذهنت تلو تلو بخورن. محشره و همه مرده های جون گرفته کنار سرو هرزویل برن به زیارت امامزاده حنفیه. کی گفته میزوری باغ زیتون نداره، همین جا همه جا هستن دارم می بینمشون.... کی گفته درخت های اینجا همیشه شاد اَن و پارتی دارن، بــــــــــــاد بزن و غربال کن که گاهی همه دردها خیلی کوچیک به نظر می رسن! کلیشه ی سال نوی همه مبارک هرچند اینجا همه چیز سبز شده...ا